The following are some of the tools and shamanic knowledge currently available to experience and share.
Recapitulation: Healing the Mind
Humans have the tendency to focus on the negative and stay stuck in past energy loops through their compulsive thoughts, habits, and patterns that suck up valuable life force energy.
Have you ever stopped and really listened to your internal chatter. Most of us are continuously internalizing about our world. Did you know that we maintain our world with our internal chatter. Whenever we are talking to ourselves about ourselves and our world, we are creating the world that we are living into. We renew it, we rekindle it with life, we uphold it with our internal talk. Not only that, but we also choose our paths as we talk to ourselves. Thus we repeat the same choices over and over until the day we die, because we keep on repeating the same internal talk over and over until the day we die. The goal of the recapitulation process is to make you aware of this and strives to stop this internal chatter.
The recapitulation practice of “stopping of one’s internal chatter” is ancient and originated with the Toltec people. What they discovered was that every memory from the past and every relationship we’ve ever been in take up space within us in the form of energetic attachments. Some of these are healthy and energize us but some of them are not. Humans have the tendency to focus on the negative and stay stuck in past through their continuous inner chatter, habits, and patterns that suck up valuable life force energy. Some of these include toxic thoughts and beliefs, re-living trauma and abuse, going over past events trying to replay the "what if" I did this or that, what could I have done to have a different outcome.
The process involves first identifying a pattern that is not working in your life. Then, using a specific breathing and moving pattern, the process cues you to recapitulate all the times the pattern has ever appeared in your life; this is done in a very specific way. The breathing and moving makes sure we don’t stay stuck in re-living or indulging the experiences and it also has the effect of starting to break up those well-worn neural pathways in the brain so that we can’t go back to that pattern as easily afterwards in our everyday lives. When the thread that’s being worked on is complete, all we are left with is a void-like feeling where we are able to access what quality was there before we started that pattern.
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