How Can I Overcome My Fear And Anxiety - Calgary

  • By Glenna Reid
  • 11 Aug, 2016
Fear can be a predominant, motivating factor behind many of the choices that we make during our lives. Instead of having a clear idea of what we want and making decisions that will move us in that direction, which will most likely involve some risk and discomfort, we all too often make fear-based decisions that […] The post How Can I Overcome My Fear And Anxiety? appeared first on Brain Awakening.

Fear can be a predominant, motivating factor behind many of the choices that we make during our lives. Instead of having a clear idea of what we want and making decisions that will move us in that direction, which will most likely involve some risk and discomfort, we all too often make fear-based decisions that limit us and our happiness. While these choices allow us to avoid uncomfortable, anxious feelings, they do not usually end up providing any real opportunity for growth or forward movement toward our goals. 

Remember, well-being is the ability to effectively & flexibly respond to the full range of situations that may arise in both natural and social environments, as well as one’s own signals. Rhythm patterns (including rhythms for arousal) shift flexibly when we are doing and performing well. Stress and trauma can affect our arousal system, and we may get “stuck” in one mode or the other.   A stuck arousal system can compromise well-being and create a risk for adverse behaviors. Neurofeedback is a way to help the brain deeply relax and become “unstuck.”

Your Brain Is Wired To Be Fearful

Fear is produced when your amygdala, a primitive part of the brain’s limbic system involved in the processing and expression of emotion, kicks in, doing its job to ensure your survival. Your brain is constantly scanning the environment for signs of danger, ready to activate reflexes to keep you safe. Your body responds to anything your brain sees as a threat with an instant reaction of fight or flight.  What I am seeing with my clients is that this automatic survival mechanisms is in a stuck state or always turned on.   For many of us, our bodies react to common occurrences, such as a traffic jam, a work deadline, or an argument with a partner, as life-threatening events.

Stress is a normal bodily response which isn’t necessarily bad in itself. The problem arises when your brain sounds the alarm for every little thing that happens, and stress becomes an almost constant state of being. As a chronic condition, stress has serious negative, lasting consequences for your mind and body.

Your Brain Responds To Uncertainty With Fear

Studies show that even a small amount of uncertainty can cause increased activity in the amygdala. As the level of ambiguity and amygdala activity escalates, the part of the brain involved in response to rewards shows decreased functioning.

Your brain doesn’t merely prefer certainty over ambiguity. It craves it and will pursue the feeling of being right every time. When you feel right, your brain is happy – even if it’s just an illusion. How many of you can relate?!

Making Friends With Fear

Your brain’s innate desire for certainty in an increasingly uncertain world can allow anxiety to surpass depression, allowing it to become the most prevalent health issue. In order to calm our amygdala down and reduce fear, we have to transform our relationship with it from adversarial to accepting. 

Becoming more mindful, getting comfortable with uncertainty, and even welcoming our feelings, encourages us to “get comfortable with, begin to relax with, lean into whatever the experience may be.” This is where Neurofeedback at Brain Awakening,  Calgary comes into play.   Getting comfortable with uncertainty is often easier said than done. When your brain is in a stuck pattern, it becomes your go to response.   With Neurofeedback, we facilitate your brain to bring it back into balance. A balanced brain can now deal with life’s uncertainty much more effectively.

At Brain Awakening, Calgary, clients report overcoming fear and Anxiety.  After sessions they feel a sense of peace and calm.  They now feel empowered to live their best life.

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