Looking for help with anxiety - Calgary

  • By Glenna Reid
  • 15 Mar, 2018

We’re facing an anxiety epidemic. If we don’t make big changes, it will get worse.

Looking for help with anxiety?

Anxiety has been around since we've been around – passed on through genetics and affected by our environment and ability to cope. It's a normal part of the human experience, felt by all of us at different times, such as during a job interview or before the birth of a child.

What isn't normal is the dramatic spike in people suffering from chronic anxiety. The numbers are staggering – 41 per cent of Canadians are at high risk for mental-health issues, according to a recent poll. Thirty-six per cent felt so stressed it affected their daily lives.

Looking for help with anxiety is the number one reason clients come to my office. It's clear our environment is a leading driver of this epidemic. In all aspects of our lives, stressors have crept in, making it harder to decompress and find balance.

At work, intense competition and disruptive innovation are forcing organizations to navigate complex terrain. And these pressures are increasingly felt by employees.

At home, there appears to be competition as well, often kids are in events a number nights a week, pressure to balance a home life with work is getting more difficult for many. Money is a really big stress for many these days. I see a lot of parents who are so busy that they have no time to just chill out. In fact it is my experience that “doing nothing” is challenging for people.  

What's more worrisome is the next generation. Anxiety is the most common mental-health diagnosis among students today. Dubbed "the most anxious generation," they'll be entering the work force and starting families when pressures are higher than ever before.  

Now is the time to makes a change. At Brain Awakening  Calgary we utilize a modality called Brainwave Optimization®,  it relaxes your brain, which helps it regain balance. This helps your brain let go of stuck patterns that may be impacting your physical and emotional well-being.

My clients report being more relax, much better focus and clarity and they sleep better. All of these things will assist you in restoring balance in your life.

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