Brain Awakening

See How We Can Help

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We can give you the clarity to move forward with our Neurofeedback process. Our goal is to empower you to; be, think, feel, and live in a way that you never thought was possible.

How it Works

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At Brain Awakening your sessions s begin with an evaluation of the individual’s brain patterns.

Neurofeedback Sessions

Neurofeedback  has been proven to be one of the best methods to assist the brain in creating new neuro-pathways.

Balanced Brain

When the brain is balanced it is working in an integrated fashion, free of internal conflict between its regions.

Do You



Frequently Asked Questions

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Does this work on children?

Yes. In fact I have worked with children as young as 16 months old. Depending on age, sessions for children are generally shorter and less frequent. We encourage parents to have some activities or books that their child may enjoy while they are having sessions (no video games). When working with children, we spread 12 one hour sessions over a period of 3 or 4 weeks. Ideally, we would like to do 3 to 4 sessions in a row and then have a 3 or 4 day gap. This, of course, is just a starting point.

Can I achieve the same results at home with one of the brain modification products currently available commercially?

While there are numerous brainwave modification paraphernalia available to the home-user, take-home binaural beat technology (products like Hemi-sync and Holo-sync, to name a few) are by far the most popular. These are mass-marketed CDs, products that force the brain into pre-programmed frequencies pre-set by the device manufacturer. The results for these types of products vary from good to neutral to negative. At Brain Awakening, our technology is customized to meet your specific needs.

This is not the same technology that we use at Brain Awakening. The critical difference is that entrainment products are a one-size-fits-all approach. Brain Awakening on the other hand, is individually tailored to suit your specific brain. Your progress will be monitored and the methodologies adjusted so that you can achieve your own personal goals within a safe environment.

Do people experience any negative side effects from Neurofeedback?

We have not seen negative side effects from Neurofeedback. In fact I like to think in terms of side benefits. People who experience Neurofeedback (and those around them) notice changes. Typically, those changes are toward more effectiveness, not less. Clients report that things like focus, memory, concentration and a sense of happiness and well-being increase. Neurofeedback is about having your brain learn to relax and self-regulate.

Who can benefit from Neurobeedback?

Neurofeedback is for individuals who wish to make a life change from the inside-out. It is for those who believe they have inner resources that, if accessed, can provide them with a path that meets their own unique needs and goals.

Trauma and chronic stress can lead the brain to become “stuck,” and individuals with such history are especially likely to benefit from gaining a deep state of relaxation. When the brain deeply relaxes and resets itself, it can self-optimize to improve health, wellness and well-being. It may also allow recovery, overall functionality and even increase one’s performance abilities.

It is not a treatment or therapy for medically defined disease or psychological disorders, and it is not a way to diagnose diseases or disorders.

Can medications have an impact on my sessions/do I need to stop taking my mediation?

Everything we do has the potential to influence the brain’s tendency to optimize itself. Some medications tend to directly affect the brain and can be a competing influence. Other activities such as drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs and even poor diet can have an effect on your brain.

Everyone has different choices or options. At one extreme some people like to remove (as much as possible) external influences before and after the sessions. On the other extreme some people say, “I am just going to see what happens”. You are the owner of your own unique brain and you know the most about your own needs and sensitivities. We can support you in making the decisions that are best for you and support you through the Neurofeedback process.

Do you guarantee results?

Through our follow-up process and feedback we have found that roughly 87% of clients report favorable results. However, we cannot guarantee how each person will respond or exactly what will change for them. Every brain is unique, like a fingerprint, so we cannot tell you exactly what your specific results will be, and as such, we cannot make any guarantees.

Will my results stick? Is it forever?

We cannot guarantee exactly how long your results will last. It really depends on what you have dealt with in the past and what you are dealing with in the future. Most of our clients come in for 8 to 12 visits and that is all they need, but we also have some clients who will come in for another intensive or “tune-ups” every once in a while. If a client experiences a new trauma after coming in for their initial set of sessions they may find it necessary to come for further sessions.

Why can I not have alcohol during sessions or for 3 or more weeks after?

Everything we do has the potential to influence the brain’s tendency to optimize itself. Alcohol and recreational/illegal drugs dramatically affect the brain and can slow down the brain’s response time. Because your brain will be working hard to return to a healthy functioning state, it is our recommendation that you refrain for 3 to 6 weeks. The choice is yours.

I have tried all kinds of medication and therapies…

Many who find their way to Neurofeedback do so after years of searching and frustration in working to overcome life challenges. Regardless of the life trauma or behavioral difficulties you have endured, they have created an imprint on the brain. This self-reflection process supports the brain to bring itself to a deeply relaxed state. From this state, the brain tends to reorganize its own rhythms, on its own terms. The simple answer is- our system works.

Brain Awakening
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